Sunday, October 05, 2003
Ohhhh yeah! Back on the airwaves today after too long of a break. Things have been shaken up dramatically at the station, with .soundingdepth. as a show becoming part of the greater experience that is The Beat Connection. We have two shows each week now, with Friday nights being a more up-for-it show with weekly guest DJs dropping the dancefloor beats. Sunday afternoon brings The Beat Connection Reprise which will be hosted by yours truly and will not be too different than the .soundingdepth. of old. Expect more headphone oriented blips and beats, and many great guest producers twiddling knobs and caressing mice. Laptop artists already lined up for this month are Nordic Soul on Sunday Oct 12, and The one like Terso on Sunday Oct 26th. Woot woot! Expect more of that local goodness through the rest of the year.
Its great to be back :]
Its great to be back :]